Dorade boxes, while highly functional for venting air, drive me crazy on deck. Far too easy to catch a toe, a line, or some other hardware. Simple design but lots of potential failure points (i.e. a clog on the drainage can result in leakage).
We decided to replace them with Vetus UFO vents for their low profile and high functionality.

Process for Ayala
- Plug & tape up the interior of the vents so that material from the removal would not get through.
- Remove the screws holding the box onto the deck.
- Crack the very stubborn boxes off. Discover nasty black sealant & corroded vent tubes.
- Use Fein tool to cut off the protruding vent tubes (for flush mount UFO).
- Thoroughly clean the area.
- Attempt to sand flat. Get badly sunburned while realizing it will take far too long to get it flat with a sander.
- Use angle grinder to make it slightly concave.
- Fill remaining uneven holes with chopped glass polyester resin.
- Replace corroded vent tubes.
- Layer epoxy and fiberglass.
- Add gelcoat with our own color mix, attempting an off-white. Result is disturbingly blue.
- Purchase pre-colored white gelcoat. Cover with waxed paper & weights (evenly distributed by old vents), leave overnight.
- Sand evenly. Repeat #12 for small pocks.
- Dry fit vents, centered over the vent tubes. Mark & drill holes.
- Attach vent top with 4200, making a line around the circle (avoiding the drainage spots). Dip screws in 4200. Screw the vent top down tightly. Let it dry.
- Wax the new gelcoat and surrounding area.
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